We offer plenty of opportunities to connect and get involved with the community and the campus as well as our supporting church BigWoods. From Bible studies, fellowship, and service in the church to mission trips, evangelism, and community service. For more opportunities, see the events page, our Facebook page, and BigWoods church bulletin.
Rides to church
Our home church, BigWoods Bible Church, loves college students! Sunday worship service is at 9:00am. While the church is only 1.6 miles from campus, if you need a ride, be sure to contact Robbie.
Sunday school
Sunday school starts at 10:45am following the Worship Service. There is a variety of classes offered throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to connect with multi-generation believers as well as other young adults!
More about BigWoods
For more opportunities to serve or get involved at BigWoods, check out our church website here!
Mission Trips
As evangelical believers, we firmly believe in sending students into the mission field to spread the truth of the Gospel. We typically have a mission trip either over spring break or at the beginning of the summer. Spring 2018, students served in hurricane relief in Puerto Rico over spring break. Our home church, BigWoods, also sends a group of people to Guatemala each summer for a week. We have also sent numerous students on independent trips with larger mission organizations.

Worship Team
We are a ministry blessed with talents and students willing to share their time so that we may lift up songs to the Lord in worship. We are always looking for volunteers to help lead our time of musical worship. If you are interested in serving the ministry in this way, please talk to Robbie or one of the leaders.
Community service
A part of spreading the Gospel is not only sharing the Word, but also sharing the love of Christ and being willing to serve those in our community. We offer opportunities to serve the campus and community several times throughout the year. Our home church, BigWoods, also provides these opportunities in its mission to help transform the community of Lock Haven into one with the hope of the Gospel.